Golf Scraper

There was a requirement of the details of golf courses which was all available on a website. If that data was to be used for any process, it was first required to be exported in a proper format from that website. This could’ve not been manually possible to do as there were hundreds of golf courses.
Sales Leads
Real estate

The Challenge

There was a requirement of the details of golf courses which was all available on a website. If that data was to be used for any process, it was first required to be exported in a proper format from that website. This could’ve not been manually possible to do as there were hundreds of golf courses.

The Solution

So, this process was automated and details was extracted from the website and an approach was used to also include the latitudinal and longitudinal coordinates of the location of the golf course. It takes few minutes to extract the details of hundreds of golf courses in a format required by the client.


  • A lot of time and human effort is saved through this process.
  • Another similar site can be scraped with minimum changes in the main script.
  • The client can get or update existing data within minutes through this process.

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