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Data Decides the Future and Indispensable Role of Data for Businesses

6 min read
July 2, 2024
Sales Leads

Data Decides the Future and Indispensable Role of Data for Businesses

Gone are the days when decision-making in the corporate realm relied s

Gone are the days when decision-making in the corporate realm relied solely on intuition and experience. Today, data is the driving force behind all their strategies and predictions. Peter Sondergaard rightly said, “Information is the oil of the 21st century, and analytics is the combustion engine.” We at Relu Consultancy stand by this.

Let's explore why data is the driving force behind the future of business and the indispensable role it plays in shaping strategies, decision-making, and overall success.

The future is undeniably intertwined with the evolution and utilization of data. From technological advancements and business strategies to societal improvements, data will continue to be a driving force in shaping a more connected, efficient, and innovative world.

The responsible and ethical use of data will be crucial in navigating the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. From analyzing purchasing patterns to gauging sentiment through social media, businesses leverage data to gain a comprehensive understanding of their target audience. This invaluable information enables organizations to tailor their products, services, and marketing efforts to meet the evolving needs and preferences of their customers.

Data has become the new currency

As businesses accumulate vast amounts of information through customer interactions, transactions, and operational processes, they unlock a treasure trove of insights. This valuable currency allows organizations to understand market trends, customer behavior, and internal operations like never before.

Personalized Customer Experiences

By understanding individual preferences, behavior patterns, and needs, businesses can tailor their products, services, and marketing efforts to meet the unique demands of each customer.

Informed Decision-Making

Analyzing historical data and real-time information empowers organizations to mitigate risks, identify opportunities, and optimize their strategies for better outcomes.

Risk Management and Compliance:

Additionally, in an era of increasing regulatory scrutiny, maintaining compliance is non-negotiable. Data helps organizations adhere to industry regulations, ensuring ethical and legal business practices.

Monetization Opportunities

Organizations can leverage their data assets by offering insights, analytics, or even raw data to other businesses or industry partners. This additional revenue stream can be a significant contributor to overall business growth.

In this data-driven era, businesses that recognize and prioritize the indispensable role of data will not only survive but thrive in an ever-changing landscape. The question is not whether data is important, it's how organizations will leverage it to shape their destinies in the years to come.

Naman Gupta
Founder & CEO, Relu Consultancy

Data Scraping in Competitive Intelligence: Gaining the Edge

6 min read
July 2, 2024
Sales Leads
Sales Leads

Data Scraping in Competitive Intelligence: Gaining the Edge

As industries become increasingly saturated, businesses are turning...

As industries become increasingly saturated, businesses are turning to innovative methods to gain a competitive edge. One such powerful tool is data scraping, a technique that has found a significant role in competitive intelligence.

Let’s explore how data scraping can be harnessed to gather strategic insights, analyze competitors, and ultimately gain a decisive advantage in the market By understanding the competitive landscape, businesses can make informed decisions, identify opportunities, and mitigate risks.

Data scraping empowers businesses to monitor competitors in real time, tracking changes in product offerings, pricing strategies, and marketing campaigns. By extracting and analyzing this information, organizations can adapt their strategies, identify gaps in the market, and respond swiftly to emerging trends.

Let’s look at a few aspects of competitive intelligence when it comes to tracking data :

  • Price Intelligence: Businesses can scrape pricing information from competitors' websites to gain insights into their pricing structures, discounts, and promotional strategies. Price Monitoring enables dynamic pricing strategies, ensuring that a company remains competitive while maximizing profitability.
  • SEO Monitoring: Web scraping can assist companies in monitoring their search engine rankings and analyzing competitors' SEO strategies. Extracting keyword data helps in optimizing content and staying ahead in search engine results. For example, we can track SERP features (e.g., featured snippets, knowledge panels) using web scraping to understand how search results are displayed.
  • Product and Service Analysis: By extracting data on features, customer reviews, and specifications, organizations can identify areas where competitors excel and where they may have weaknesses. This information is invaluable for product development, marketing, and positioning strategies.
  • Mitigating Risks: This happens when we start tracking industry trends, regulatory changes, and emerging technologies. By staying informed, organizations can proactively adapt to shifts in the market and mitigate potential risks.


In the ever-evolving landscape of business, staying ahead of the competition is crucial for success. Data scraping, when used responsibly, becomes a powerful tool for gathering real-time, actionable insights into competitors' activities.

By harnessing the potential of competitive intelligence through data scraping, businesses can make strategic decisions that position them ahead of the competition.

Naman Gupta
Founder & CEO, Relu Consultancy

Trends in the Web Scraping Industry

6 min read
July 9, 2024
Sales Leads
Sales Leads

Trends in the Web Scraping Industry

The trends in the web scraping industry collectively shape the land...

The trends in the web scraping industry collectively shape the landscape of the web scraping industry, driving innovation, addressing challenges, and influencing the way businesses extract and leverage data from the web. As we venture into 2024, it's crucial to explore the emerging user trends shaping the web scraping industry.

AI Integration

With the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms, scraping tools are becoming more adept at handling complex data structures, dynamic content, and evolving website layouts.

Enhanced Proxy Management

As websites deploy stricter anti-scraping measures, users are adopting sophisticated proxy management techniques to circumvent IP blocking and detection. Proxy networks and IP rotation strategies allow users to distribute scraping requests across multiple IP addresses, mitigating the risk of being throttled or blocked by target websites.

Custom Scraping Solutions

Businesses are investing in custom scraping solutions tailored to their specific needs, including proprietary algorithms, data models, and scraping pipelines. This trend reflects the growing recognition of web scraping as a strategic asset

Embracing API Approaches

Rather than resorting to traditional scraping methods, users are leveraging APIs and web services provided by websites to access data in a more structured, reliable, and sanctioned manner. This shift towards API-centric scraping reflects a growing emphasis on collaboration

Content Handling and Data Quality

By simulating human-like browsing behavior, users are turning towards tools that enable users to access and extract data from even the most complex web applications. Data cleansing, normalization, and deduplication are becoming standard practices to ensure the reliability and accuracy of scraped data. Moreover, users are augmenting their datasets through enrichment techniques, integrating data from multiple sources to enhance their value

Naman Gupta
Founder & CEO, Relu Consultancy

Landmark Case LinkedIn vs hiQ Labs

6 min read
July 25, 2024
Sales Leads
Job data
Sales Leads

Landmark Case LinkedIn vs hiQ Labs

The case between LinkedIn and hiQ Labs is a significant legal batt...

The case between LinkedIn and hiQ Labs is a significant legal battle concerning data scraping, the use of publicly available data, and the boundaries of internet regulation. Here's what happened  This case set an important precedent for how data is treated on the internet, particularly concerning public vs. private data hiQ Labs, a data analytics company, scrapes publicly available data from LinkedIn profiles to provide services to businesses, such as predicting employee turnover.

LinkedIn, a professional networking site, sent a cease and desist letter to hiQ, claiming that hiQ's scraping activities were unauthorized and demanding that they stop accessing LinkedIn's servers for this purpose.

LinkedIn’s Allegation

LinkedIn argued that hiQ's scraping of its site constituted unauthorized access, especially after explicitly revoking permission via the cease and desist letter. LinkedIn claimed that by scraping its website, hiQ violated the DMCA, which includes provisions against circumventing technological measures that control access to copyrighted works.


The dispute led to a series of legal battles, with the case eventually reaching the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. The court ruled in favor of hiQ, stating that the CFAA's "without authorization" provision did not apply to publicly available data on the internet.

Important Implications

The LinkedIn vs. hiQ decision is often referenced in discussions about the scope and application of laws like the CFAA and the DMCA in the digital age. It highlighted the tension between individual privacy rights and the interests of businesses in accessing and using data.

Naman Gupta
Founder & CEO, Relu Consultancy

Craigslist vs 3Taps Judgement

6 min read
July 25, 2024
Job data
Sales Leads
Real estate
Job data

Craigslist vs 3Taps Judgement

Craigslist is a popular online classified advertisement platform that

Craigslist is a popular online classified advertisement platform that allows users to post listings for jobs, housing, goods, services, and more. Craigslist uses terms of service (ToS) that explicitly prohibit automated access to its website, including web scraping, without prior authorization.

3Taps was a company that aggregated data from various online sources, including Craigslist, and provided it to developers through an API.3Taps argued that the data it collected from Craigslist was publicly available and should be accessible for aggregation and redistribution.

Allegations and Arguments

  • Craigslist claimed that 3Taps violated the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) by scraping its data without permission.
  • 3Taps argued that it had Craigslist's authorization to access the listings. It claimed that Craigslist was a public website, so anyone, including 3Taps, always had authorization.
  • 3Taps suggested that Craigslist had set restrictions on how 3Taps must use the data, rather than restricting 3Taps's access to the data altogether.

Judgement and Outcome

In 2013, a federal judge ruled in favor of Craigslist, granting a preliminary injunction against 3Taps. The injunction prevented 3Taps from scraping Craigslist's data. Later, in 2015, a settlement was reached between Craigslist and 3Taps, where 3Taps agreed to shut down its operations and transfer its assets.

  • While data on the internet may seem publicly available, websites have the right to control access to and use of their data. Unauthorized scraping can be deemed as a violation of this right.
  • The case highlights the importance of reviewing and respecting a website's terms of service. Craigslist's ToS explicitly prohibited web scraping, and the court upheld the validity of these terms.
  • The judgment in this case set a precedent for the legality of web scraping, especially when it involves circumventing website terms of service. It underscores the need for companies to protect their data and for scrapers to operate within legal boundaries.

Naman Gupta
Founder & CEO, Relu Consultancy

The future of web harvesting: trends and innovations

6 min read
July 25, 2024

The future of web harvesting: trends and innovations

Web harvesting, or web scraping, has become essential for busine ...

Web harvesting, or web scraping, has become essential for businesses seeking valuable data insights in today’s digital landscape. As technology advances rapidly, the web scraping world is evolving. Exciting new innovations in artificial intelligence, data privacy, mobile platforms, APIs, real-time analytics, and customization are shaping how data will be harvested from the web.

Enhanced AI-Powered Web Scraping

One of the biggest game-changing trends will be integrating more artificial intelligence into web scraping tools. AI-powered scrapers can mimic human browsing behavior dynamically, allowing for more accurate, efficient, and reliable data extraction. These intelligent bots can seamlessly adapt to website changes, parsing complex page structures that would stump traditional scraping bots.

Businesses will benefit tremendously from faster and higher-precision data harvesting enabled by AI. With access to richer datasets, companies can feed powerful machine learning algorithms to gain more insightful analytics and make better-informed business decisions.

Ethical and Responsible Scraping Practices

As web scraping becomes more pervasive across industries, businesses must prioritize ethical data harvesting practices. Issues around copyright, data privacy, and other legal considerations cannot be ignored. Scraping data without a website’s consent or scraping confidential user data can open companies up to lawsuits and seriously damage their reputation. We expect to see more scraping services like Relu Consultancy emerging, which make ethical harvesting a core priority in their business model. Only collecting data through proper consent channels and adhering to all guidelines will enable the web scraping industry to grow sustainably long-term.

Mobile Data Scraping

Mobile devices now account for over half of all web traffic globally. As such, web scraping will increasingly shift towards harvesting data from mobile apps and mobile-optimized sites. Businesses recognize the enormous value in extracting consumer insights, competitor data, market trends, and other intelligence from the growing mobile sphere.

Specialized scraping tools for parsing mobile pages and apps will become standard. Companies proficient at mobilizing their data harvesting efforts will gain competitive advantages in their industries.

Leveraging Structured Data and APIs

While scraping data directly from displayed web pages works, the future will see a rise in structured data formats and API integrations for more optimized harvesting. JSON, XML, and other standardized datasets allow for more controlled, consistent access to website data. APIs also provide a more direct path for scraping critical information.

Rather than parsing complex HTML, businesses can rely on clean, well-organized data transfers through structured feeds and APIs. This evolution will enable more reliable, efficient data harvesting at scale.

Integrating Web Scraping with Big Data

As Big Data analytics becomes more critical for businesses across industries, web scraping will play a huge role in aggregating massive datasets. Scraper bots can rapidly gather data from countless websites, apps, and online platforms – data that would take humans’ lifetimes to compile manually. Feeding all this harvested information into Big Data pools will allow businesses to identify patterns, trends, and unique insights that would be impossible to detect otherwise.

Web scraping will be a fundamental driver of wider Big Data strategies.

Real-Time Data Scraping

This is one of the web harvesting benefits. Many business decisions require analyzing the most current, frequently updated data possible. As such, real-time web scraping capabilities will be hugely valuable going forward.

Rather than running periodic scraping jobs, bots can provide live-streamed data as websites update information minute by minute.

Real-time scrapers allow businesses to monitor competitors, track market trends, and respond rapidly to industry shifts as they happen. This data immediacy will enable more agile, informed decision-making.

Every company has unique data needs from web harvesting. Point solutions tailored to these specific use cases will define the future of web scraping. Beyond one-size-fits-all tools, scrapers will be highly customizable – from the sites scraped to the datasets extracted.

Personalized scraping ensures businesses get the exact information they need from the web for their operations and analytics. Custom scrapers will provide greater utility and value as companies become more data-driven.

The Bright Future of Web Scraping

From AI to mobile platforms to real-time analytics, web scraping technology is advancing quickly to meet emerging business demands. As the world becomes increasingly data-centric, web harvesting will grow more critical for empowering better decision-making.

Best web harvesting service companies that embrace these innovations and trends will thrive in leveraging web data to maximum potential. With trusted, ethical providers like Relu Consultancy leading the way, the future of web scraping looks bright.

Naman Gupta
Founder & CEO, Relu Consultancy

How to keep track of price monitoring with web scraping

6 min read
July 2, 2024
Sales Leads
Real estate
Sales Leads

How to keep track of price monitoring with web scraping

In this modern, fiercely competitive industry, being aware of pric...

In this modern, fiercely competitive industry, being aware of price changes is essential for companies. Cost tracking permits organizations to make knowledgeable choices, spot patterns, and remain ahead of their competition.

Internet scraping, a method utilized for extracting information from web pages, has become a strong weapon for automatic price tracking. In this article, we’ll look into the pros of data scraping to monitor price watching. We will additionally give an easy-to-follow manual regarding the process of this approach efficiently.

1. Why Price Monitoring with Web Scraping Matters

Cost tracking has an important function in competition-driven pricing approaches. By keeping track of market prices, businesses can:

a) Optimize pricing: Frequently checking prices supports in spotting occasions to modify prices and stay competitive without losing profit margins.

b) Detect price trends: Examining past cost information allows companies to recognize trends and predict industry developments, including periodic ups and downs or price jumps.

c) Competitor analysis: Price tracking helps companies observe other businesses’ pricing strategies, detect pricing disparities, and place themselves strategically in the industry. It supports them in staying in the game and making pricing choices based on information.

2. The Power of Web Scraping for Price Monitoring

Internet scraping involves a method that includes automatically gathering details from sites. It has become a popular method for price monitoring due to its numerous advantages:

a) Real-time data: Data scraping permits firms to obtain pricing details instantly. This guarantees that they possess the latest information for studying and making decisions.

b) Large-scale data collection: Using web scraping, you can gather price information across multiple websites concurrently, giving a complete perspective regarding the market and decreasing the requirement for manual work.

c) Customizability: Internet scraping enables companies to obtain particular information of importance, like the cost of products, discount offers, or product availability. That allows them to customize the details to their special monitoring needs.

3. Implementing Web Scraping for Price Monitoring

To effectively implement web scraping for price monitoring, follow these steps:

a) Identify target websites: Find the sites that offer useful price details specific to your field. Think about like how popular, dependability, and if it is accessible the information you need.

b) Select a web scraping tool: Pick an internet scraping application that meets your wants. A lot of well-known selections include BeautifulSoup, Selenium, and Scrapy. Take into account such as the simplicity of use and how it supports your programming language. Your skill in dealing with evolving digital materials is crucial as well.

c) Build the scraper: Create an information gatherer with your selected application. Specify the information you want to gather, like goods names, costs, and links. Ensure your scraper can deal with possible obstacles, such as login prerequisites or CAPTCHA challenges.

d) Handle data storage and analysis: Decide how to keep and study the extracted data. One can use databases, Excel sheets, or specific data analysis programs. Your decision relies on the quantity and difficulty of the facts.

e) Schedule and automate scraping: Arrange a timetable to automate the web scraping process. That’s why the information is obtained regularly without any manual interference. Pay attention when extracting data from website regulations and boundaries to avoid potential legal or ethical dilemmas.

4. Best Practices for Price Monitoring with Web Scraping

In order to maximize efficiency when monitoring prices using web scraping, remember these top tips in your thoughts.

a) Respect website policies: Always follow a site’s rules and regulations and information-gathering guidelines. Employ suitable HTTP headers, and adhere to the site’s speed limits or limitations.

b) Implement error handling: Web scraping might face problems caused by changes to the website, network problems, or inconsistent data. Create error-detecting systems within your web crawler to guarantee trustworthy information retrieval.

c) Monitor scraper performance: Frequently check the efficiency of your data extractor to detect and resolve any errors without delay. Keep an eye on scraping rate, information accuracy, and website layout modifications that could impact scraping.

d) Stay updated on legal considerations: Comprehend the legal consequences associated with scraping websites under the laws of your region. Make sure your data scraping activities follow according to applicable laws, which include safeguarding data and rights related to intellectual property.


Companies need to monitor rates to remain competitive, and Relu Consultancy understands this. Our best web scraping service in USA offers website scraping services for monitoring price trends and changes in the market. Our talented programmers can construct data extractors for gathering information from digital shops, online platforms, and other locations.

We employ natural language processing to guarantee precision and information uniformity. Our machines can offer everyday cost notifications to ensure you have the latest information. Using Relu Consultancy, you can be confident that the information about your prices is precise and current. Hire a web scrapper in USA today!

Naman Gupta
Founder & CEO, Relu Consultancy

AI tools and their use in web scraping field

6 min read
July 25, 2024
Sales Leads

AI tools and their use in web scraping field

During the digital age, enormous lots of details are produced every...

During the digital age, enormous lots of details are produced every moment. That creates it important for companies and scientists to collect important data productively.

Internet scraping has become popular as an effective way to retrieve content from websites. With new progress in AI, the domain has witnessed a notable revolution. This article explores artificial intelligence’s importance in gathering data from websites. That investigates what they are capable of and the positive aspects.

1. Understanding Web Scraping

Internet scraping requires automating collecting information from webpages by examining the underlying HTML format. Usually, programmers write personalized scripts to gather certain sites. That caused the method to take up much time and be susceptible to errors. Nevertheless, data extraction has become easier to use and streamlined using AI technology. It allows people to get details from multiple online pages altogether.

2. Intelligent Data Extraction

Artificial intelligence-powered data extraction software uses AI algorithms to retrieve useful information from online pages smartly. These instruments can assess the hidden framework of a web page and detect trends to gather precise data.

Using methods like NLP and visual recognition, AI applications can explore complicated online pages and collect data from unordered structures such as pictures, PDF files, and written content. This skill enables quick and precise examination of vast quantities of data, allowing companies to create information-guided selections and acquire valuable knowledge.

3. Advanced Scraping Techniques

Artificial Intelligence tools have changed data extraction through the introduction of cutting-edge methods. For example, specific tools use headless browsers that mimic human browsing. This enables users to engage with evolving websites that depend on JavaScript coding. This allows the retrieval of records that otherwise not be accessible. Smart computer programs also incorporate anti-blocking features. The systems guarantee continuous web scraping despite IP blocks and captchas.s.

4. Enhanced Data Quality

This is the use of AI in web scraping. Artificial intelligence tools are not only good at data extraction but also contribute to enhancing data quality. By using artificial intelligence models, these applications can tidy up and make the data consistent. We can eliminate repetitions, rectify inaccuracies, and guarantee coherence. That leads to cleaner, trustworthy collections, improving the entire data evaluation procedure.

5. Scalability and Efficiency

This is one of the web scraping benefits. Artificial Intelligence-powered website scraping software is created to handle large amounts of data. These allow people to extract details from numerous online sites all at once. Using multiple threads features, these tools can handle large data sets efficiently, greatly decreasing web scraping processing time. Automating tasks as part of artificial intelligence tools also eliminates the demand for hands-on involvement. That makes the procedure swifter and less prone to mistakes.

6. Ethical Considerations

Just like every advanced tool, moral concerns are necessary in the environment of automated information gathering using artificial intelligence. People should comply with the terms established by website owners and guidelines and follow the regulations regarding data privacy. People must make sure when they gather tasks, must not breach any legal or moral limits.


Artificial intelligence tools have completely changed the web scraping industry, delivering unparalleled functionalities and performance. Using artificial intelligence algorithms, these tools facilitate smart data retrieval. We also utilize advanced data extraction methods and improve information accuracy. Thanks to scalability and automatic processes, Artificial intelligence-based web scraping tools are changing how enterprises and academics utilize information from the internet.

Combining AI and web scraping is a powerful tool for businesses and researchers. Relu Consultancy is uniquely positioned to assist with AI tools and their use in web scraping. The group with skilled experts is highly skilled in artificial intelligence and creating websites. This creates our ideal collaborator for enterprises aiming to utilize advanced tech tools.

We provide many different choices designed to match your requirements. We started with creating personalized AI software to maximize previously developed scraping tools. If you’re seeking automated information gathering or upgraded performance, our team can assist you in designing a productive solution.

We also aim to remain current on the most recent progress in ML algorithms and large data analysis methods. This guarantees that your resolutions stay at the forefront of technological advancement. Using Relu Consultancy, you can be confident that your artificial intelligence projects will get excellent service and loyal customer support for successful outcomes.

Naman Gupta
Founder & CEO, Relu Consultancy

How to extract data of your competitors?

6 min read
July 25, 2024
Sales Leads
Sales Leads

How to extract data of your competitors?

Understanding your competitors gives you a huge competitive a..

Understanding your competitors gives you a huge competitive advantage in the data-driven age. Getting and analyzing large amounts of data from your competitors’ websites with web scraping is automatic – giving you key insights in return. Here is a step-by-step guide to extracting competitor data using web scraping:

Step 1: Identify Competitors and Data Points of Interest

First, find out your main competitors who are in the market. Put their websites on a list and start prioritizing those from which you want to extract data. Next, go through their website and pull data points that would be valuable to come up with, such as:

  • Product descriptions and pricing
  • Customer reviews
  • Service offerings
  • Company information like address and phone numbers
  • Job listings
  • Blog content and SEO keywords
  • Social media followers and engagement

Prioritize the most important data points to focus your web scraping efforts.

Step 2: Inspect Website Elements Using Browser Tools

Next, you must understand how the data you want is structured on the page. Use browser developer tools like Chrome DevTools to inspect elements on the website.

Check the underlying HTML code and identify patterns for displaying the data. Consider elements like product listings, review sections, and blog posts. This will help you locate the right elements to target when extracting data.

Step 3: Use a Web Scraping Service

Now it’s time to use a web scraping service to automate competitor data collection. There are many web scraping tools and data extraction services available. When choosing one, consider factors like:

  • Ability to handle complex sites
  • Customization and flexibility
  • Scalability for large datasets
  • Data output options like API, CSV, etc.

A managed data extraction service in the USA like Relu Consultancy can be a great option since they handle your technical work and customizations.

Step 4: Create a Scraping Workflow

Once you’ve chosen a web scraping tool, you can work on setting up the data extraction workflow. Most services provide options to configure scrapers visually without coding. You’ll identify the elements to extract data from based on the inspection done earlier.

Set filters to scrape only the data types you need. You may need to incorporate scrolling, clicks, delays, and other actions to access data for dynamic websites. Configure the scraper to scrape multi-page listings recursively.

Step 5: Schedule and Automate the Scraper

Instead of a one-time scrape, you’ll want to collect updated data from competitor sites continuously over time. Most web scraping tools allow you to schedule and automate scrapers to run on a recurring basis.

You can have scrapers run daily, weekly, or at other intervals to get fresh data. The scraped data can be exported directly to databases, cloud storage, spreadsheets, or through API integrations. This enables fully automated scraping workflows.

Step 6: Analyze and Visualize Extracted Data

Now the exciting part – using the extracted competitor data for insights! You’ll want to analyze and visualize the structured data to uncover trends, gaps, and opportunities for your business.

Some ideas include:

  • Product/pricing gap analysis – are you offering competitive prices?
  • SEO keyword tracking – what keywords are competitors targeting?
  • Review sentiment analysis – how does feedback compare?
  • Competitor growth tracking – how fast are they acquiring customers?

Advanced analytics can take competitor intelligence to the next level. The insights gained from properly utilizing scraped data can help shape your marketing, product, and operational strategies.

Step 7: Monitor and Refine the Scraper Over Time

Websites frequently change their structure and design. This can break scrapers that are not maintained over time. Monitoring your scrapers regularly is important to check if they still function correctly and extract complete data.

When errors occur, the scraping workflow needs to be quickly corrected. This may involve tweaking selector elements, handling new page layouts, or accounting for other changes. A managed scraping service will take care of these revisions for you. Continuously monitoring and refining scrapers is key to sustaining competitor data pipelines.


Implementing an automated web scraping workflow for competitor intelligence gives you an edge. Following the steps outlined in this guide will help you successfully extract and leverage competitor data to make savvier business decisions. With the right approach, web scraping can be a valuable competitive analysis tool.

As a leading data extraction company, Relu Consultancy has extensive experience developing custom scrapers to deliver competitor insights at scale. Contact us today if you need help creating scrapers or analyzing scraped data!

Naman Gupta
Founder & CEO, Relu Consultancy

Avoid ecommerce fraud with the help of web scraping

6 min read
July 25, 2024

Avoid ecommerce fraud with the help of web scraping

E-commerce fraud is a huge problem that causes massive losses...

E-commerce fraud is a huge problem that causes massive losses for online retailers. Fraudsters use sophisticated techniques like fake accounts, stolen payment info, and more to game the system. Luckily, web scraping provides a powerful tool to help e-commerce businesses detect and prevent fraud.

How Ecommerce Fraud Occurs

Some common types of ecommerce fraud include:

  • Fake Accounts – Fake or stolen identities are used to open accounts for fraudulent purchases. It also allows them to bypass the anti-fraud systems linked to real profiles.
  • Stolen Payment Info – Criminals steal credit cards and other payment details through hacking, phishing, or buying on dark websites. They use them to make purchases.
  • Coupon Abuse – Fraudsters find and apply coupon codes not meant for them to get heavy discounts or free products. This impacts promotions budgets.
  • Reselling- Fraudsters buy products only to resell them on other sites for profit. This limits inventory for genuine customers.
  • Fake Reviews – Scammers create fake accounts to write fake positive reviews to boost product ratings.

How Web Scraping for E-commerce Helps

Web scraping provides an effective solution to detect and stop many types of ecommerce fraud:

Profile Analysis

  • Web scrapers can extract data from user profiles across ecommerce sites and social networks.
  • Analyzing this data can reveal connections between accounts and help identify fake profiles.
  • Details like address, phone, name, etc., can be cross-checked to detect fakes.

Review Analysis

  • Web scrapers can extract all reviews for products from an ecommerce site.
  • Analyzing the reviewer profiles, review language, ratings, etc., can identify fraudulent reviews.
  • The sources, dates, and data of reviews can be compared to detect patterns of fake reviews.

Coupon Hunting

  • Web scraping bots can scour the web to find unused coupon codes for an ecommerce site.
  • These codes can then be disabled or limited to stop fraud through coupon abuse.
  • The terms and conditions of coupons can also be scraped to understand policies.

Price Monitoring

  • Scraping competitor sites can uncover pricing trends and anomalies.
  • If products are available for lower prices on other sites, it indicates potential reselling fraud.
  • Scrape marketplaces like eBay as well to uncover discounted product resales.

Inventory Tracking

  • Scrape product listings across an ecommerce site over time.
  • Analyzing changes in inventory levels can uncover patterns suggesting reselling fraud.
  • Gauging actual demand vs. inventory can indicate products targeted for fraudulent resale.

Payment Analysis

  • Web scraping can gather data on all transactions and failed payments.
  • Analyzing this data can detect spikes suggesting the use of stolen payment info.
  • It can also identify common flags among fraudulent orders to improve detection.

Implementing Ecommerce Anti-Fraud Web Scrapers

Here are some tips for implementing web scraping as part of your ecommerce fraud prevention:

  • Use robust tools – Invest in robust web scraping software optimized for large-scale data extraction, like Relu Consultancy, the best web scraping service offers. Avoid limited browser extensions or coding-focused tools.
  • Scrape wisely – Don’t excessively scrape sites, as that can get you blocked. Use tactics like proxies, throttling, and anonymization to scrape undetected.
  • Analyze carefully – Having scraped data is one thing, but analyzing it properly is key. Use technologies like machine learning and other AI to uncover hidden insights.
  • Automate workflows – Set up automated scraping on schedules to extract data regularly. Automate analysis tasks, too, for efficient fraud detection.
  • Enrich data – Combine scraped ecommerce data with other sources like emails, call logs, and payments data for a 360-degree customer view.
  • Stay updated – Fraud tactics evolve, so evaluate your web scraping and anti-fraud strategies. Adjust the data points, tools, and techniques as needed.

The Bottom Line

Ecommerce fraud poses a real danger to revenues and reputation for online businesses. Web scraping offers a flexible yet efficient means of extracting data to identify threats and strengthen fraud prevention efforts.

Retailers can effectively mitigate emerging fraud trends and patterns using scraped data analytics. Scraping solutions tailored to your business provide maximum protection from online shopping scammers.

However, web scraping services in USA remain unknown to many retailers. You could benefit from engaging a professional web scraping firm and immediately exploiting its power.

Naman Gupta

Top 5 data collection tips for the real estate industry

6 min read
July 9, 2024
Real estate
Sales Leads

Top 5 data collection tips for the real estate industry

In today's highly competitive real estate market, having access ...

In today’s highly competitive real estate market, having access to accurate and timely data can make all the difference in achieving success. With the help of web scraping services offered by Relu Consultancy, you can gain a significant advantage in collecting essential data to drive your real estate business forward.

Here are the top 5 tips for data collection for real estate:

Target Comprehensive Property Listings

Having comprehensive and up-to-date property listings is absolutely vital for real estate agents and investors. With web data scraping services, you can efficiently gather property listings from multiple sources, including:

  • Major real estate websites like Zillow, Trulia, and Realtor.com
  • Local MLS databases
  • Classifieds sites such as Craigslist
  • Agency databases
  • Auction sites
  • Foreclosure listings

The data that can be extracted include all the important property details:

  • Location
  • Price
  • Number of bedrooms/bathrooms
  • Square footage
  • Lot size
  • Year built
  • Amenities
  • School district
  • Days on market
  • Price history

This gives you a complete overview of the properties available in your target markets. You can easily analyze supply and demand dynamics, identify undervalued properties, spot pricing trends and conduct comparative market analysis. Automated web scraping saves an enormous amount of time versus manual collection.

Analyze Market Trends and Demographics

In-depth market research is invaluable for real estate professionals. Web scraping tools allow you to gather demographics, economic indicators, growth forecasts, and other market trends from sites like:

  • U.S. Census Bureau
  • Bureau of Labor Statistics
  • Local planning departments
  • Chamber of Commerce data
  • Real estate analyst reports

Important data points include:

  • Population growth patterns
  • Age demographics
  • Income levels
  • Employment stats
  • Transportation/infrastructure development plans
  • Housing inventory/vacancy rates
  • Building permits issued
  • Local business openings/closures

Analyzing this data enables you to identify neighborhoods and markets with high growth potential. You can also determine what properties will be in high demand based on demographic factors.

Monitor Competitor Activities

Gaining competitive intelligence is key to staying ahead. Web scraping enables you to closely track the activities of other brokers/agents and real estate companies operating in your territories by collecting data from:

  • Their websites
  • Listings sites
  • Social media channels

The data gathered can include:

  • New property listings
  • Price changes
  • Text/verbiage of listings
  • Marketing messaging
  • Advertising campaigns
  • Office locations
  • Agent details
  • Customer reviews

Monitoring this information helps you analyze their pricing strategies, uncover new geographical focus areas, and reverse engineer effective marketing tactics. You can use these insights to finetune your own business plans.

Stay Updated with Real-Time Data

Due to the fast-paced nature of real estate, it is essential to have systems that provide real-time data. Web scraping tools offer automation to scrape and deliver the latest data continuously:

  • New property listings across sources
  • Price changes and homes going pending
  • Home value estimates
  • Mortgage rates
  • Housing market reports
  • News alerts relevant to your sectors

Access to this real-time intelligence ensures you can act swiftly on time-sensitive opportunities and gain an edge over slower-moving competitors. You are never caught off guard by sudden housing market shifts.

Gather Customer Feedback and Reviews

Understanding customer sentiments, needs, and pain points is invaluable. Web scraping enables you to compile customer reviews and feedback posted easily:

  • Realtor rating pages like Zillow or Realtor.com
  • Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
  • Local review sites like Yelp
  • Real estate forums/communities
  • Your own website/post-transaction surveys

Analyzing this data offers insights into:

  • Agent rating performance
  • Customer service strengths/weaknesses
  • Product/service gaps
  • Home buying pain points
  • Overall satisfaction

You can use these customer insights to improve service quality, address concerns, expand offerings, and build lasting customer relationships.


In conclusion, leveraging web scraping as part of a data collection strategy provides real estate professionals with invaluable business intelligence and strategic advantages. Relu Consultancy, a real estate data collection service, offers expertise in tailored web scraping solutions to extract data that drive smarter decision-making for your organization. Automate data gathering and unlock actionable insights today.

Naman Gupta
Founder & CEO, Relu Consultancy

Use of web scraping in running meta ads

6 min read
July 25, 2024

Use of web scraping in running meta ads

Web scraping is an automated way of collecting data from various ...

Web scraping is an automated way of collecting data from various sources like websites or computer software to benefit your business or clients. You might be wondering how web scraping works. Whenever you open a new website, you are often required to enter your details like name, e-mail address, and phone number. It is necessary to access the web further. This data is stored safely for security purposes. On the other hand, web scrappers automatically gather this information on their local sites. It might seem easy, but they work hard enough to take this information.

When you are running meta ads, web scrapping can be extremely helpful for reaching out to your potential customers. There are various companies providing web scraping services. Not every website is accessible to them. Some of the government and strict websites are not within their reach. Web scraping can be done through bots or web crawling. They store your passwords and store them in a private database. Developers do this work manually and help businesses provide information about their competitors. However, in previous years, many companies have been sued for illegally scraping data from websites without proper authentication.

Use of scrapping in running meta ads

Web scraping is a useful tool when you are running meta ads on platforms organized by meta like Facebook and Instagram. If you are looking for some way to enhance your marketing and advertising strategy, then you must give web scrapping a try. However, how would it upskill your product? Here are a few uses of web scraping:

Analysis of competitor’s strategy:

If you want to have a glance at your competitor’s strategies and how they are working out their ads, you can scrap their data and make it benefit you. You can have information on their creativity, target audience, and their schedules.


Are you planning for some research before you set out to run your meta ads? Then why not do some research by using the web scrapping tool? You can assess the keywords that are in the search most. It will instantly help you reach out to more customers and attract them by running ads. In this way, you can capture the organic market as well.

Monitoring of performance:

Another way of using web scraping is to monitor the performance of the ads. You can indicate your key performances and get to know more about click-through rates. These rates are essential as they mark how many times your ad has been clicked by people. It will enable you to understand their interest as well.

Extracting product data:

When you are scraping data from other websites, you are taking a lot of their data and content. One of the most important is their efforts towards product and pricing. It will help you to leap over them. It can turn into a competitive advantage for you.

Improvising creativity:

If you are looking for some ideas or improving your creativity, then taking a look at the other’s creativity will be a bonus. Some information is available publicly but few can be obtained only by web scrapping.

Tracking ad inventory:

If you want to track the ad inventory, then web scrapping is a great source for it. You can also have access to detailed reporting where various performance reports are available. It would help you to track down the effectiveness of your ad compared to the ones by your competitors.

The information obtained from web scrapping can be stored in various forms like Python, etc. Since web scrapping is wide in scope, there are many things you must know about it before beginning. Relu Consultancy is one of the best web scraping service providers and takes high care for the protection of data.

Legality of Web Scrapping?

Web scrapping is legal. However, you must obtain a license and you can access the public information. However, some data are under high protection which means you cannot scrape them. There are a few terms and conditions that you cannot violate. Scraping of information related to intellectual property is prohibited and can lead to illegality. As a consumer, you might be considering what if any sensitive information gets shared with the scrappers. Then you do not need to worry as explicit consent is required for using such information.


Since you have read the entire blog, we hope that your basic idea of what is data scraping and how it exactly works is clear. You can check out web scraping service providers in the USA. However, it can be a drawback as well. The way you can snatch content from others, they could do the same. The best way to be protected is to keep your data under high security. Not all information that you get will be reliable and will affect quality and authenticity. Henceforth, before getting into web scrapping make yourself aware of or consider APIs. So don’t wait and get your meta ads to reach your potential consumers.

Naman Gupta

How google scrap the website data?

6 min read
July 25, 2024
Sales Leads
Sales Leads

How google scrap the website data?

Web scraping gives you access to the data stored in the websites....

Web scraping gives you access to the data stored in the websites. You can use these data to benefit and increase your business. But how can Google be utilized in scraping the website data? If that is a question, then here is the answer to it. Through Google, you can scrap data by web crawling or by web indexing. There have been various questionable remarks relating to the legality of web scraping. Web Scraping services make the scraping of publicly available information less challenging and do not pose many legalities. Assistance from a consultancy agency offering Web scraping services in the USA would avoid any unfortunate circumstances.

Process of scraping website data

Google is one of the largest companies that have to deal with IT software every day. However, does Google also scrap data? And does it offer a scraping service? However, it does not directly provide you with the data, but there are various tools that one can use to scrap the website data while using Google.

Google Search:

One of the easiest ways one can scrap information through Google is from the Google search. You can simply type down the information you need and select from the dropdown options, that would provide you with the most information. You can search for any specific queries and it will be made available to you within seconds. You can also get a list of various website links for more specific information.

Google Search operators:

If you are well aware of the keywords to be put in while searching, then Search operators can be used efficiently. Through this tool, you can use combinations of words as well as symbols. It will enable you to narrow down the options, thus providing you with customized results. Coupling them up with other engines can give you better results. When you are led to the specific website as per your need, it will find you with filtered results.

Google API:

Application performing interfaces, can be used for extracting data. It is another method used by programmers for web scraping. However, limits have been imposed on the usage of APIs. It has restricted the search to any number of queries to an extent. This means that if you are looking for scraping entirely based on these APIs, then it might not be able to fulfill your search requirements.

Google Programmable Search Engine:

Another method widely used for scraping website data is Google Programmable Search Engine. It is designed especially for the programmers to obtain specialized information. It provides refined data searches. It is a free tool that people can use to create customized search engines for their purposes.

Above are some of the tools that Google has been providing the developers with. There might be some restrictions as to the number of queries raised. However, the information and data are likely to be accurate and updated. This will make the scraping more efficient and usable.

Web crawling vs. web scraping

People generally tend to confuse the term web crawling with web scraping. Belonging to the same branch, they are somewhat misinterpreted in their meanings and utility. They are used interchangeably but are not the same. However, here are the following differences one can draw while considering them:


Web crawling is the process in which the tools are used to get an idea of the content and then build for their websites. On the other hand, web scraping is used for extracting data in large amounts to improve its own business.


The ones working on the web scraping are called web scrapers. The bots performing web scrawling are known as web crawlers or web spiders.


Web crawlers visit various links, look into the content, and add them to the indexes. A web scraper takes a load of all the HTML links and then focuses on gathering the data. These data can then be downloaded in the format required.


Web crawling is especially used in fields like generating SEO results, monitoring analytics, and website analytics. Web scraping is used generally in stock market analysis, generating leads, and comparison of prices.

Above are some of the comparison parameters used for web crawling and web scraping. However, in reality, both are useful for collecting data.


Coming to the end of this blog, you would have fairly got an idea of how web scraping of data works. However, you must be aware that the processes at Google are automated which restricts a person on certain parts that are out of the reach of programmers. They are strictly protected under the systems of Google. Web scraping at Google is much more difficult and complex than for any other. There are various legal guidelines when one is following data scraping. Being ethical and respecting these guidelines should be the core service of a scraper. One must consider the impact scraping could create on their website.

Naman Gupta

What is cloud scraping and the benefits of it

6 min read
July 10, 2024
Sales Leads
Sales Leads

What is cloud scraping and the benefits of it

Cloud scraping is a way of web scraping through clouds. Web ...

Cloud scraping is a way of web scraping through clouds. Web scraping services in the USA provide huge benefits to people. When web scraping is done via a cloud-based environment, it is known as cloud scraping. It is a branch of data scraping. Multiple platforms can be used for this purpose like Amazon web services. However, do the developers use the same type of application as for another type of scraping? Well, for cloud scraping they use cloud-based virtual machines. If you are looking for integration of the cloud scraping with others, then it is possible and you can analyze the data more efficiently. However, while scraping one must be mindful of the legal compliances.  

Benefits of cloud scraping

Cloud scraping is considered one of the best ways of scraping. There are various benefits that a scraper can enjoy while cloud scraping. Here are a few of them:

Reliability: One of such reliable sources in scraping can be achieved from cloud scraping. It is highly recommended when you want to minimize your downtime. It ensures that the scrapers have consistent access to the websites. This makes information available within no time. One can rely on the data received completely.

Cost-effective: If you are looking for some cost-cutting while scraping and are tight on budget, then you can go for cloud scraping. It is comparatively low in price but there is a compromise on its quality. The best part is that you would have to pay only for the ones, you put to use. You can also reorganize the resources during the project.

Scalability: If you are dealing with high volumes of data and are looking to scale them without facing downtime, You must choose cloud scraping. You can make adjustments to suit your needs and requirements. If the servers that you are handling, are required to be reorganized, you can handle them much more efficiently. If you are looking to increase productivity, you may at the same time distribute scraping over various servers. It will engage them at once creating better results.

Storing of data: Cloud scraping enables you to store and maintain data. Once you are done collecting the data, you can store them easily through cloud scraping. There are various options like databases, and data warehousing where your data gets stored. It will not only provide the facility for storing the data but will keep it maintained while you focus on the scraping process.

Global reach: The Internet has connected various people all around the world. Through scraping you can reach out to the websites available all over. Data centers are available all over the regions of the world, which makes access to data easier.

All the above were some of the benefits that cloud scraping can offer. People have been amazed at the results one gets by cloud scraping. It is making the work simpler yet professional web scraping services can make the work better.

Can websites detect scraping?

If you think that web scraping is easy and you can do it without getting caught, then you might be wrong. Various websites can recognize any kind of scraping. Some websites have adopted techniques to mitigate web scraping. Here are some methods by which websites can detect web scraping:

CAPTCHA: Various websites can detect automated web scraping by requiring the users to solve these CAPTCHA challenges. Any kind of unknown activity can be recognized through them.

Tracking: When there is some unusual frequency in the logins or logouts from the website. Any abnormality can help in tracking out the scraping process.

Blocked IPs: One such method used by the scrapers is employing other IPs when one gets blocked. They try to re-enter and access as proxies. However, websites block them and deny access.

Limiting requests: If a user places too many requests over a short span, it technically detects the bot. The website can cancel their requests or at the end block them.

If you are found overruling the guidelines issued by the websites and accessing to some private data, you can get blocked. Therefore, web scrapers use such methods in which their chances of getting caught or blocked are minimized.

Summing up

In conclusion, cloud scraping can be a beneficial tool to scrape data while using cloud-based applications. It is one such method by which a person can increase their efficiency, and scale for more data. However, setting up cloud scraping tools can be complex and expensive too. If the website, you are trying to scrap from has restricted the scraping of data, then it will be able to detect the source easily. A major problem that you can face while scraping is the reliability of the information. They might not be updated or accurate which makes you waste time and money. Hence, before scraping consider all necessary factors.

Naman Gupta

5 steps to scrap shopee product details

6 min read
July 2, 2024
Sales Leads
Sales Leads

5 steps to scrap shopee product details

Who would not be aware of a multinational e-commerce company like ....

Who would not be aware of a multinational e-commerce company like shopee? This company has excelled over the years. While being launched only 8 years ago, it has become one of the largest platforms where a customer can buy or sell their goods. It offers a diversified range of products like beauty, electronics, clothes, etc. However, one can use web scraping tools for doing Shopee data scraping. If it fits your data requirements, you can instantly get them scraped. Shopee scraping is one of the trending highlights due to its reach and sales. Web scrapers can get the product details, price, sales, and reviews extracted.

Scraping in shopee

Shopee being one of the largest e-commerce platforms, has been on a list of scrapers to get useful data. It attracts thousands of customers and scraping them can give tonnes of data. However, here is the detailed process by which you can scrape data from shopee:

Identifying: The first step while beginning scraping the data from shopee, is to identify the data you require. As it is a huge platform, and there might be some data, that would not be useful for you as a scraper. Therefore, understanding your requirements and then working on them can save a lot of your time. A web scraping tool selection will help you create to make the process easy.

Filling the parameters: The next step comes where you can set the parameters to get the customized results. Since the amount of data available is huge, if you put in the customization, it will only give the information that might be necessary for you. For example, if you are looking to scrap data from AirPods, you can put in the exact details that will lead you to better results. After this, all you need to do is run the scraper.

Extract the data: At the third step once the scraper is ready to run, within some time it will create data that would be beneficial for you. The data that has been retrieved by the website is most likely to be accurate and updated. These data can be extracted from the shopee and used for analysis.

Storage: This step involves taking away the data collected and storing them on the platform you select. There are various formats like JSON, text, Excel sheets, etc., where you can store the data. They provide a structured way and are a reliable source for the scraped data.

Saving the data: In the last step, the data is to be saved and maintained. This will help you to make their use even after doing some more scraping. There might be a situation when you would want to integrate the data collected with the recent ones. Saving them will make it possible.

These are the steps that you can incorporate into shopee scraping. With the above 5 steps, you can scrape the data. However, you must keep in mind the privacy and legal compliances.

Storing of the data scraped

Are you done scraping, but when will you store them? Once the scraping process is completed, you need to store them in a structured format. This will help you to analyze the results and make a decision. These databases are responsible for not only storing purposes but also for maintaining them. Here are some ways in which you can store the data:

XML: This database is used to store data in the form of Extensible markup language. This software makes the sharing of data in other applications easy.

Text file: If you do not require the files to be stored in any structured or partly structured format, then you can use simple text files to store them. They are sometimes also referred to as plain text and you can use them for simple data storage.

Excel sheets: One of the common ways of storing data is EXCEL sheets. These are supported by Google and are a convenient platform for all types of data.

Cloud storage: The data gets stored in the cloud forms digitally. They are stored well with multiple redundancy options.

JSON: If you are looking for a database to store your complex files, then JSON is the one for you. It can store your temporary data in a good manner and you can use them for various programming languages.

Summing up

Scraping of personal data in Shopee can be a task and one should adhere to respect these guidelines that have been issued by the company. If not, then it can create an adverse impact on your business. Next time you would want to scrap data to lead over your competitor in terms of pricing, marketing, or any other strategy, you can reach out to us. Shopee data is encrypted, and we can help you to get the best of the details required. Look no further, as we will provide you with the scraping services to fulfill all your requirements.

Naman Gupta

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We collaborated with Relu Consultancy to implement a new feature, encompassing web scraping, APIs, and React frontend. The project was successfully completed and delivered to production, where it is currently being utilized by live clients. Throughout the entire process, the Relu team demonstrated agility in comprehending evolving requirements and promptly incorporating changes to enhance the product feature. Effective communication and collaboration were maintained seamlessly throughout the project's duration.

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Relu Consultancy impresses with its honesty and responsiveness despite time differences, offering expert data collection services beneficial for e-commerce analysis. They excel in monitoring services and promptly addressing issues, although slight coordination challenges may arise due to differing holiday schedules across countries. Overall, they come highly recommended for data analysts seeking reliable data solutions.

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After exploring various freelancers, one key factor that led us to choose Relu Consultancy was the intuitive understanding they demonstrated regarding our requirements. They delivered the software exactly as per our specifications, adhering to the agreed timeline and staying within our budget. We look forward to continuing our collaboration with them in the future. CIO TechWorld

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Just worked with Relu Consultancy on an automation project, and they exceeded all expectations! The team was knowledgeable, professional, and delivered top-notch results. Highly recommend them for any tech needs!

Eliran Shachar

The company does a good job managing API requests, listens to my requests well.

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